A Great Tip for Giving Good Performance Feedback

Most managers find that giving feedback is a real challenge. They understand that they are responsible for managing the performance of their team members. But telling direct reports what they are doing wrong is no fun.

Though it may seem counterintuitive, the best performance management training tip for giving feedback is to do it often. The more frequently you have performance conversations with your team members, the smaller the adjustments needed in behavior and the more likely you are to notice improvement. 

You have learned the other major rules of giving helpful feedback: being specific as you describe and prescribe the behavior that needs to change and articulating how this will benefit the individual and the team. But frequency and immediacy matter too. If you are meeting together on a regular basis, a quick mention of what should change may be all that is needed.

Just don’t forget to recognize and praise improvement as quickly and as often as you tweak missteps.

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